App Development Processes

App Bundles

Cordoning app and chart CRs

Creating an App Catalog

How to resolve resources already exists in helm manifest

Adding READMEs and Icons to Apps in Happa

How to add and maintain App in an App Catalog

How to create, manage and release an App into an App Catalog

How to route app alerts to a team

Routing app alerts via annotations in Chart.yaml or app CRs.

LabelSelector MatchLabels are immutable

LabelSelector MatchLabels of a Kubernetes resource are immutable. This page describes the error and gives tips how to resolve the issue.

How to support multiple k8s versions in a Helm template

Support multiple k8s versions using Helm capabilities API

Handle CRD installation and updates with Helm 3

This page documents a method for installing and updating CRDs using Helm 3