Ground Rules
This page documents ground rules we set ourselves for p32.
Do these rules sound a bit harsh? Maybe, likely yes. But they are there to create awareness that it is on each and every one in the company if this project fails or not. We mentioned the implementation friction beforehand. It is an attempt to make things explicit, to describe common sense.
Rules For Everyone
- You can choose how you want to distribute your hours.
- Calendars are king! Your P32 blockers have to be in your calendar.
- In Implementation-Phase you should be reachable on P32 days. Ops-Genie or Phone-Number can work if you do not want to have slack on your work-phone. See emergency availability docs for more details.
- OnCall on P32 days might happen, and an important customer meeting on p32 days might happen. We need to live with that.
- “Company Rules” apply, if they are not changed. E.g. Second Interviewer in a hiring presentation has to be there. (Of course we schedule around, but if it’s not possible, it’s not possible)
- No Meetings Wednesday is dead.
For those who take an entire day off
- A P32 day is not a holiday. You should make yourself available, in case something urgent needs your attention.
- Contract-wise we stick to a 5-day work week. So if you plan a vacation you take 5 days for a week. (yes, we are not counting holidays, but to make this clear)
- If your P32 day is a public holiday, so ‘bank holiday rule’ applies. You just do not work.
- A P32 day is not fixed, you should stay flexible and adjust your P32 day according to work constraints when needed. Insurance-wise this is not a problem.
For those who work 5 days a week with fewer hours
- Hours need to be distributed in a way that meetings are still possible (people in non-EU timezones will need to compromise).
Rules For Teams
- There need to be day(s) where the entire team is available for common meetings like Planning, Refinement, Retros.
- Business Hour on-call needs to be covered for the whole week.
- Avoid having a small amount of people covering a certain BH oncall day. For example: one or two people getting all the Friday on-call shifts.