Remote work checklist

Here you can find some tips and tricks for working remotely.

Remote work - checklist

There are many things that working remotely has in common with a traditional office space, but some things differ quite a lot. To make the change a bit easier for you, we’ve created a list of things to look out for, especially some advice on security, as well as some tips that might make your remote work experience the only way to work in the future ;) Even if you already have experience in working remotely, you might find some helpful tricks.


  • Remote work and mobile security will align with our Password Policy and Acceptable Use Policy from this document. Please review our Information Security Policy as well as the Information Security Guideline for further information.
  • Protect your login credentials from other household members.
  • Your machine must be locked if left unattended. Shut down the machine completely if you will be away for an extended period of time.
  • Protect printed documents by storing them in a safe location and remember to only print if really necessary.
  • Prevent “shoulder surfing” by ensuring strictly confidential information on your screen can’t be seen by others. Purchase a privacy shield for your screen if you must work on strictly confidential information in a space where your screen can be seen by others.


  • Make sure you have a fast and stable internet connection (DSL / fibre optic cable / LTE)
  • And obviously, a functioning computer/laptop and (web)cam. If you don’t have one or need a new one, you can order one from your hardware budget and Team-Team is happy to help with questions. This is the process.

Tips and Tricks

  • A decent pair of headphones with a good microphone makes your life a lot easier
  • A comfy chair
  • A desk (height-adjustable ones have been found to be super useful by many team members)
  • Many find working with an external monitor helpful
  • Changing positions/locations make a nice change every now and then
  • You might enjoy working from a co-working space
  • As everywhere in life - get rest whenever you need it
  • Regular exercising is very important, you might find like-minded teammates in our Slack-channel #chat-sports
  • Take regular breaks away from your screen

And if you need any help or have something on your mind, please feel free to talk to Team Team :)

Happy remote working