
CAPI based MCs and WCs behind a proxy server

General information about proxy setup

Some customers are enforced to use a corporate proxy server when accessing external resources. Beside some customer application specific endpoints this also has impact when our stack tries to access:

  • container registries (e.g.,
  • Infrastructure Provider related API endpoints (e.g. aws or azure endpoints)

Therefore we are enforced to configure the customer specific proxy server in a few places.

Affected Components


To make containerd use of a proxy configuration for pulling container images, it’s required to create a systemd drop-in and place it under /etc/systemd/system/containerd.service.d/http-proxy.conf.

Environment="HTTP_PROXY={{ .HttpProxy }}"
Environment="http_proxy={{ .HttpProxy }}"
Environment="HTTPS_PROXY={{ .HttpsProxy }}"
Environment="https_proxy={{ .HttpsProxy }}"
Environment="NO_PROXY={{ .NoProxy }}"
Environment="no_proxy={{ .NoProxy }}"


As some clusters are still using the in-tree cloud provider, it’s also required to create the same systemd drop-in as above and place it under /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/http-proxy.conf.

workload on top of Kubernetes

Every pod within a Kubernetes cluster need a valid proxy configuration if the pod need to access external systems.

On a MC there are a lot of components where access to an external systems is needed:

  • Flux need access to
  • The entire monitoring and alerting stack need access to opsgenie, grafana, …
  • App platform components need access to an OCI artifact system (e.g., azure)
  • The CAPI infrastructure providers (e.g. CAPZ, CAPA or CAPVCD) needs access to the corresponding infrastructure API endpoints.

As we already use kyverno in our MC, we can use the kyverno-policies-connectivity chart to inject the proxy configuration into all pods.

Please note:

  • due multiple valid reasons, kyverno doesn’t mutate objects in namespace/kube-system per default.
  • static pods are managed by the kubelet. For these pods it’s not possible to use kyverno for mutation. Therefore it’s required to inject the proxy configuration during the machine creation phase (could be achieved in CAPI based clusters via kubeadm)

special workload

There are some components, which are part of the default set on top of a cluster. These components can’t get configured via kyverno as they are either in namespace/kube-system (for cert-manager) or must exist before we apply applications via the app platform (for chart-operator).


cert-manager is needed in every cluster (MC and WC) and it’s running in namespace/kube-system. It interact with external ACME services and therefore the proxy configuration must be explicitly defined in the pod.spec.


chart-operator is getting deployed in every WC by cluster-apps-operator and is responsible for applying charts in the workload cluster. The proxy configuration must be explicitly defined in the pod.spec.


As customers wants components using a proxy server for external systems, they also might define some internal systems where no proxy server should be used. For that it’s possible to define a comma separated list of domain names, FQDNs, network addresses and network ranges.

As within a Kubernetes cluster there are also some targets where no communication via the proxy is expected (e.g.: accessing Kubernetes services within the cluster, directly accessing pods via their IP address - primarily used by prometheus for metrics scraping).

For that, the values of no_proxy are separated into two logical parts:

  • endpoints which are installation wide like a customer internal container registry or a customer internal network range.
  • endpoints which are cluster specific like the podCIDR/serviceCIDR or the cluster internal base domain (e.g. cluster.local)

Note: the interpretation of the no_proxy variable is very language/tool specific and not every language supports e.g. network ranges. A very detailed blog post was written by GitLab about proxy variables.


Management Cluster

during the initial bootstrap

During the initial bootstrap phase of the MC, the App Platform isn’t running at this time. For that reason it’s required to define the proxy configuration multiple times.

Following components are applied as helm-charts with a proxy configuration:

  • cert-manager in namespace/kube-system
  • kyverno-policies-connectivity (this clusterPolicy mutate each pod and inject the cluster-specific proxy configuration)

after all controllers/operators are in place

After the initial bootstrap is done and all GiantSwarm specific controllers and operators are in place to treat the MC as a WC, cluster-apps-operator will take over the handling of the installation specific proxy configuration.

Workload Clusters

The current implemented workflow can be visualized like this:

The green lines represent the additional steps in the common Cluster provisioning workflow if a proxy server has to be used.


With the current implementation, the proxy configuration is treated as being installation specific and is configured on a WC base.

With version v2.5.0, cluster-apps-operator propagate the global proxy configuration into workload cluster specific resources.

The global proxy configuration can be defined via a secret-values.yaml.patch for cluster-apps-operator in the config-repo:

  noProxy: ",,"
  http: "http://myProxyUser:mySuperSecretPassword@"
  https: "http://myProxyUser:mySuperSecretPassword@"

cluster-apps-operator already creates a secret which contains some infrastructure specific values (for openstack and vcd). The secret for each WC is called <clusterName>-cluster-values. With the extended proxy implementation, the secret now contains a new cluster section with a proxy sub section:

    http: http://myProxyUser:mySuperSecretPassword@
    https: http://myProxyUser:mySuperSecretPassword@
    noProxy: cluster.local,,,,,,,svc,,localhost

This secret can now be used to pass the proxy information into Apps which get applied into a WC, for example:

kind: App
  catalog: default-test
      name: mycluster-cluster-values
      namespace: org-giantswarm
      name: mycluster-cluster-values
      namespace: org-giantswarm

As cluster-apps-operator takes care of creating deployment/chart-operator in the WC with the values from (secret|configmap)/<clusterName>-cluster-values as input, chart-operator in every WC automatically gets a valid proxy configuration.


To get containerd (and kubelet if in-tree cloud provider is used) running behind a proxy server, we reference to the cluster-apps-operator generated proxy configuration systemd drop-in in the cluster-* chart, e.g. for kubeadmconfig:

  - path: /etc/systemd/system/containerd.service.d/http-proxy.conf
    permissions: "0600"
        name: <clusterName>-systemd-proxy
        key: containerdProxy   

By doing this, ClusterAPI is waiting for the secret to get created. Once the secret got created, it will be used by creating the machines (and injecting this data via cloud-init or ignition).

Last modified June 14, 2023: use svg instead of png (#79) (1a55eb0)