Assigning installation names


The purpose of this RFC is to specify how we select installation names.

High level process

  • A Giant Swarm team is responsible for providing name candidates in a dedicated, public git repository.

  • Customers, when preparing for a new installation, select a name from the repository. A pull request ensures that the claimed name is removed from the above repository.

Providing name candidates

When providing name candidates, we apply the following criteria:

  • ASCII characters a-z only
  • Length minimum 5, maximum 8 characters
  • Must not have been in use for an installation previously
  • Should be easy to pronounce, to spell, and to type in an english language context
  • Should not be used frequently in our communication

Claiming a name

Customers should claim any name they like from our repository. The goal here is to foster adoption of the name.

We encourage customers to select a name that is not easily associated with the customer name. For example, a company named Jaguar should not pick the installation name jaguar.

Reasons are:

  • Installation names may appear in many places, like log files, configuration files etc., where we do not intend to store customer information.

  • If a customer grows from using one installation to using several, users might have a hard time understanding the inconsistency among the names.

The claiming of a name happens via a pull request that removes the name from the repository. The PR approval process should ensure that internal sanity checks are executed in order to verify the name as suitable.

Last modified November 21, 2023: Update rendered RFCs (#176) (7f6b6e4)