Manage essential CRDs via MCB


Essential CRDs are widely used ones by all / most of Giant Swarm apps in MCs, like VPA or Service Monitors.

Extended by: Extension to Giant Swarm CRD management via Flux


We are currently managing CRDs for MCs in many ways:

Additionally, we have ATS via apptestctl that needs to be updated every time a new CRD becomes essential and this solution uses curl and kubectl apply to get teh job done:

Proposed solution

I propose to manage at least the Giant Swarm CRDs in MCB in the following structure and this also sets up the infrastructure to manage any other CRDs the same way without additional changes in CMC repos.

├── all
│   └── kustomization.yaml
├── flux-app
│   ├── crds.yaml
│   └── kustomization.yaml
└── giantswarm
    └── kustomization.yaml

Where flux-app we already have, we just move it up from bases/flux-app/crds/kustomization.yaml to bases/crds.

The giantswarm one is new and as a start would look like :


But it could be anything that kustomize can actually handle, for example for vertical-pod-autoscaler-crd could look like:

  - name: vertical-pod-autoscaler-crd
    includeCRDs: false
    namespace: giantswarm
    releaseName: vertical-pod-autoscaler-crd
    version: v2.0.1

It is not perfect for prometheus-operator-crd as that Chart contains a lot more CRDs than what we currently consider essential:

As with kustomize we can patch delete some of those CRDs from the rendered Helm chart, but that is an exclude list instead of an allow list, therefor needs more maintenance. However, I think pre-installing all the CRDs in this Chart in order to avoid this issue is fine too.

Or for cilium we do not have a Chart, but could use the remote resources approach like:


Finally, bases/crds/all is the part that makes it easy to extend at later point only in MCB. It would look like this:

  - ../flux-app
  - ../giantswarm
  # ...

As a result of the above all kustomization, we should rename flux-crds kustomization to crds.

Solving mc-bootstrap

For flux CRDs we currently have a make command exposed in the shared Makefile: and in mc-bootstrap we call that to render all the CRDs and we simply kubectl apply them. Then when flux is all set up on the MC it will take them over managing them.

We introduce these new targets in this shared Makefile - and remove the old build-flux-app-crds:

BUILD_CRD_TARGETS := build-all-crds build-bootstrap-crds build-flux-app-crds build-giantswarm-crds

# This is where the original `build-flux-app-crds` is removed from (+ the matching .PHONY)
BUILD_FLUX_APP_TARGETS := build-flux-app-customer build-flux-app-giantswarm

build-all-crds:  ## Builds
build-bootstrap-crds:  ## Builds
build-flux-app-crds:  ## Builds
build-giantswarm-crds:  ## Builds
	@echo "====> $@"

	rm -rf /tmp/mcb.${MCB_BRANCH}
	git clone -b $(MCB_BRANCH)${BASE_REPOSITORY} /tmp/mcb.${MCB_BRANCH}

	mkdir -p output

	$(KUSTOMIZE) build --load-restrictor LoadRestrictionsNone /tmp/mcb.${MCB_BRANCH}/bases/crds/$(subst build-,,$(subst -crds,,$@)) -o output/$(subst build-,,$(subst -crds,,$@))-crds.yaml

Then we can do the make build-XYZ-crds in mc-bootstrap for the given CMC and simply kubectl apply them for flux to take over when it is bootstrapped.

Solving for apptestctl

Same as mc-bootstrap. Additionally, we might need to make sure that the executor running the ATS has access to:

  • make, obviously
  • git, probably already satisfied

We don’t need to worry about kustomize or yq as the Makefile downloads these as a dependency to the targets.

Migration process

Renamed flux-crds kustomization to crds

Since prune is false - right?! - we can do this in the following steps:

  • in CMCs, update bases/flux-app/crds/kustomization.yaml. This is the current one used by flux-crds kustomization, should be updated to:
    resources: []
  • in CMCs, add bases/crds/kustomization.yaml with contents of (of course change ref when testing):
  • in MCB update the flux-crds kustomization to be called crds and make it point to path: "./bases/crds" instead of path: "./bases/flux-app/crds"
    name: "crds"
    path: "./bases/flux-app/crds"

Update build scripts

Beyond adding the new targets to build the CRDs as shown above, the ensure-versions target in MCB needs to be updated to point to the new local cache folder of Flux CRDs. (Tho with the proxy in better state in CN cluster we could try to go back to remote resources as well, could also be done separately.)

Considerations for Giant Swarm CRDs

None, I think we should definitely do this and as an extra win we can remove opsctl ensure crds for good and our CRDs will be rolled out much faster too from now on.

Considerations for Chart managed CRDs

I think the best would be to manage all of these essential CRDs the same way. We can use kustomize helm chart rendering as shown above for using the same method. This adds the flux labels fine to the already existing resources, but it makes no sense to keep them as Helm charts, so purging the releases should be done manually by KEEEPing existing resource either via "": keep annotation (could be added via flux then removed later), see docs or simply deleting the related secrets used by Helm.

Note, that Flux helm releases do not work here for multiple reasons:

  • flux is not up at this point
  • currently it is not possible to render Flux helm releases to manually apply the resources


Implement for Giant Swarm CRDs and get rid of opsctl ensure crds.

This creates the framework and precedence for anyone to use it - whether raw CRDs, remote bases or helm charts - for any CRDs without further migrations.

Next steps

Implement for Giant Swarm CRDs and get rid of opsctl ensure crds.

Last modified November 21, 2023: Update rendered RFCs (#176) (7f6b6e4)