Balance nodes with descheduler
In Giant Swarm, we rely on descheduler to help redistribute pods based on specific policies. Here you see how to run descheduler in cronjob mode to automate this process, ensuring the cluster is balanced and optimized.
- Prepare the configuration for the policy. The default policy can be found here and it is valid for most cases. If you don’t know how to adjust the policy, skip this step and use the default one.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: descheduler-policy
namespace: kube-system
policy.yaml: |
apiVersion: "descheduler/v1alpha1"
kind: "DeschedulerPolicy"
- name: default
You may want to adjust the policy to your needs. Next is the list of more meaningful plugins that you can use:
1. PodAntiAffinity
Purpose: Ensures that pods that should not be co-located on the same node due to pod anti-affinity rules are rescheduled.
strategies: "PodAntiAffinity": enabled: true
2. RemoveDuplicates
Purpose: Evicts duplicate pods (i.e., pods with the same owner reference) that are scheduled on the same node, which can help balance replicas across nodes.
strategies: "RemoveDuplicates": enabled: true
3. LowNodeUtilization
Purpose: Evicts pods from underutilized nodes to better distribute workloads across the cluster.
strategies: "LowNodeUtilization": enabled: true params: nodeResourceUtilizationThresholds: thresholds: cpu: 50 memory: 50 pods: 10 targetThresholds: cpu: 75 memory: 75 pods: 50
- Thresholds: Define the minimum utilization level below which a node is considered underutilized.
- TargetThresholds: Define the desired utilization level after redistribution.
4. HighNodeUtilization
Purpose: Evicts pods from overutilized nodes to reduce load and prevent resource saturation.
strategies: "HighNodeUtilization": enabled: true params: nodeResourceUtilizationThresholds: thresholds: cpu: 80 memory: 80 pods: 80
- Thresholds: Define the maximum utilization level above which a node is considered overutilized.
5. RemovePodsViolatingNodeAffinity
Purpose: Evicts pods that are scheduled on nodes in violation of their node affinity rules.
strategies: "RemovePodsViolatingNodeAffinity": enabled: true
6. RemovePodsViolatingInterPodAntiAffinity
Purpose: Evicts pods violating inter-pod anti-affinity rules to ensure proper distribution according to these rules.
strategies: "RemovePodsViolatingInterPodAntiAffinity": enabled: true
7. RemovePodsViolatingTopologySpreadConstraint
Purpose: Evicts pods that violate topology spread constraints, which ensure even distribution across specified topology domains.
strategies: "RemovePodsViolatingTopologySpreadConstraint": enabled: true
Deploy the app from the Giant Swarm app catalog:
export ORG=<your-org>
export CLUSTER=<your-cluster>
kubectl gs template app \
--catalog giantswarm \
--name hello-world-app \
--target-namespace org-$ORG \
--organization $ORG \
--cluster-name $CLUSTER \
--version 1.0.0 > descheduler-app.yaml
In case of customize the profile, save your config values to a file:
cat <<EOF > /tmp/values.yaml
- name: default
- name: "DefaultEvictor"
ignorePvcPods: true
Then add the flag --user-config=/tmp/values.yaml
to the previous command.
And apply it to the platform API (aka MC API):
kubectl apply -f descheduler-app.yaml
Now the scheduler cronjob has been created and soon it will spawn a new job. By default, the cronjob runs every 2 minutes. Since we want to use it once, we will remove the app after the job is done.
In case you want to leave the app running, you can adjust the cronjob schedule by editing the values as described above. Tunning schedule: "*/2 * * * *"
value to your needs and reapply the app.
- Also, you can check the logs of the descheduler pods to see the actions taken by the descheduler.
kubectl logs -n kube-system descheduler-<pod-id>
You will see messages of pods being evicted and rescheduled.