Debug toolbox
In Giant Swarm we have created a debug-toolbox that can be easily deployed in your cluster to help you debug common problems. The toolbox contains a set of tools that can be used to debug common problems in Kubernetes clusters.
Quick app install
export CLUSTER=<cluster-name>
export NAMESPACES=<namespace>
export ORG=<org>
kgs template app --catalog giantswarm --name debug-toolbox --namespace org-$ORG --target-namespace $NAMESPACE --version 1.1.0 --cluster-name $CLUSTER
Adding custom policy exceptions
In case you need to add custom policy exceptions to the debug toolbox, you can do so by providing a user-configmap
. The user-configmap
should be a yaml file that contains the policy exceptions you want to add.
export CLUSTER=<cluster-name>
export NAMESPACES=<namespace>
export ORG=<org>
kgs template app --catalog giantswarm --name debug-toolbox --namespace org-$ORG --target-namespace $NAMESPACE --version 1.1.0 --cluster-name $CLUSTER --user-configmap=helm/debug-toolbox/values_pss_example.yaml
Install via Helm
As an alternative to the kgs
command, you can also install the debug toolbox via Helm:
helm template debug ./helm/debug-toolbox --values=/<custom_values>/values.yaml
kubectl debug
kubectl debug
helps debugging cluster resources using interactive debugging containers.
By default these containers are not very secure and therefore get denied by our cluster security policies as shown here:
$ kubectl debug --namespace loki loki-backend-0 --image alpine -- /bin/sh
Defaulting debug container name to debugger-9fp9k.
Error from server: admission webhook "validate.kyverno.svc-fail" denied the request:
resource Pod/loki/loki-backend-0 was blocked due to the following policies
require-drop-all: 'validation failure: Containers must drop `ALL` capabilities.'
privilege-escalation: 'validation error: Privilege escalation is disallowed. The
fields spec.containers[*].securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation, spec.initContainers[*].securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation,
and spec.ephemeralContainers[*].securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation must
be set to `false`. rule privilege-escalation failed at path /spec/ephemeralContainers/0/securityContext/'
Setting custom container security context with kubectl debug
⚠️ This requires at least kubectl
First we create a YAML file with a secure container securityContext
called custom-spec.yaml
in this example:
fsGroup: 10001
runAsGroup: 10001
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 10001
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
type: RuntimeDefault
Then we can run our debug container like this:
kubectl debug --namespace loki loki-backend-0 --stdin --tty --image alpine --custom customspec.yaml -- /bin/sh
Feel free to choose your own debug image, so you have the tools you need.